Making ethics actionable in digital health
Making Ethics Actionable.
What can the UK’s AI Action plan reveal about the state of ethics in the digital health industry?
What can the UK’s AI Action plan reveal about the state of ethics in the digital health industry?
If you are a health system leader or government entity, how do you elevate ethical approaches in your ecosystem? What levers are available?
And for the builders: product leaders, founders, clinicians at health tech companies, software engineers, designers, QA folk: how to negotiate and advocate for ethical approaches against business realities in the current climate?
We cover all of this, as well as Jess’ super hot takes on the UK govt AI action plan, Ethics 101 for vendors, researchers and policy folk, AND what leaders in LMIC settings can take away from all of this.
Jess Morley of the Digital Ethics Center at Yale also previously worked with NHSX and also on the Goldacre review in 2022. She has deep expertise on ethics and policy and some really unique insights.
Links to stuff we discussed
UK Govt AI opportunities action plan
Jess' linkedin article with commentary on the action plan
Goldacre review
Jess' Google Scholar
Yale Digital Ethics Center
Jess Morley of the Digital Ethics Center at Yale also previously worked with NHSX and also on the Goldacre review in 2022. She has deep expertise on ethics and policy and some really unique insights.
Links to stuff we discussed
UK Govt AI opportunities action plan
Jess' linkedin article with commentary on the action plan
Goldacre review
Jess' Google Scholar
Yale Digital Ethics Center